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Training & Consulting in Equality Diversity and Inclusion

Challenge have trained over 70,000 people for hundreds of organisations over almost 40 years.

Specialising in bespoke courses and measurable success with up to 98% approval rating among participants*

Experience allows us to deliver training plus EDI impact analysis and strategies that really make a difference.

See our specialisms here or for bespoke  information for your organisation, please contact us

Challenge EDI Founder 

and Lead Consultant

Femi Otitoju

Standing up for Equality for 40 years

From firefighters to volunteers, moguls to Ministers, Femi Otitoju has inspired them all. Widely acknowledged as among the UK's leading EDI practitioners, Femi began as an LGBTQ+ campaigner in the 1980s, then started Challenge in 1985, delivering change mostly to the public-sector , NGOs and educational organisations. 

These days big-business also recognise (and measure) the value of diversity & inclusion in the workforce and Femi heads up a talented panel of expert, highly experienced Consultants and Trainers.

Femi still trains some days but spends much of her time giving keynote speeches or delivering change by way of mediation, coaching and strategy work at Board level in every type of organisation from Global Multinationals to Universities, Parliaments and Charities of every size.

For clients Femi has written bespoke training films on Harassment and Equality and wrote the acclaimed e-Learning programme Same Difference”. The UK Passport Office was the first of many organisations to use this as part of their induction programme for new staff.  Her highly popular film based resources Fair’s Fair and Talk to me are distributed globally by Video Arts.

Among our panel of Trainers & Consultants...

It's our long experience at delivering engaging, inspiring and 

entertaining sessions which makes us unusually well-received:

*A recent Dignity at Work programme reached over a thousand people...

93% said their confidence in calling out unacceptable behaviour had increased.

More than 98% said that they would recommend our training to others.

Suky Bains

A Senior EDI consultant for over 20 years and a popular and engaging trainer with broad experience in  Mediation, Conflict Resolution and Facilitation. 

Suky has a passion for bringing personal empowerment and responsibility to participants and works at an individual coaching level as well as being a flexible and accomplished group worker. 

Suky has brought her EDI leadership experience to working both with young people and with professionals as well as in a Train-The-Trainer context.

Anjum Mouj

A much requested Challenge stalwart, with both professional management and University tutoring backgrounds, Anjum first brought her highly participative style to EDI training more than 20 years ago.

Over the decades engagements have ranged from Unconscious Bias and Dignity at Work training to specialist assignments in Case Management, Leadership, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence and Safeguarding., with a particular specialism in community groups. Anjum is also an energetic and accomplished conference speaker and workshop leader.

Adisa Djan

A veteran of over a thousand courses delivered to frontline, middle and senior managers within a variety of public, private and voluntary sector organisations including the Fire Service, Police, Health, Government, Retail.... Adisa faces even the most challenging audience with charm, humour plus a little Challenge magic to keep everyone on board.

Adisas's delivery has included cultural diversity, unconscious bias, disability awareness, equality impact assessment and challenging discrimination. .


Managing Diversity Training

Some excellent learning points and excellent delivery. A very, very knowledgeable trainer. Fabulous idea to use actors for the role play.

Unconscious Bias Course

The trainer was a talented communicator - able to cover all the planned information and respond effectively to the group. A difficult topic tackled in a way that felt safe yet stretching.

Welcoming Diversity Course

Excellent course. Really enjoyed it, Brought out lots of useful debates. The trainer was also brilliant.

Dignity at Work Training

I didn't expect much from this mandatory session but I actually feel more able to challenge discriminatory behaviour now. Surprised myself. Well done.

Challenge Training And Consulting Ltd 51 Dean Court Road BN2 7DL